Dear Friends,
Please know that all the products listed on my recommendation page are products I have purchased and really like and would recommend them to my mom, that's the standard I use before recommending anything to you. All of the Amazon links are affiliate links and support my channel. Amazon gives its affiliates a small commission on any purchases made through these links with no additional cost to you. If you would like to support my work please feel free to use my links. If you for any reason don't want to use them, then please don't and know that all my recipes and work is free to you to help you with no strings attached. Have a beautiful day.
items most recently shown in my videos
kitchen goods
This is the third air fryer I have purchased and by far my favorite. The first one I purchased I actually did not like at all and would not recommend it. The second one I purchased I liked especially considering the price was much lower than this one, but it did
have some drawbacks in my opinion. This one is by far my favorite and my family liked it so much that my dad asked me to buy a second one for us for his birthday instead of taking him to
that "fancy restaurant" I was planning on taking him too. The reason he wanted a second one was because we have a huge family and they all love my chicken wings with two sauces and they eat so many and so fast that a second air fryer was needed to keep up with them. My tribe likes to eat, what can I say?
Ok I love this baby. My family owns a large smoker but truth be told I hardly ever use it. I am not very skilled at smoking, it takes too much time ( in my opinion ), and the clean up is horrible. I love
smoked meats but I have until now hated the process and the work involved in making it happen….until
my friend Joe and Joe's BBQ House ( You Tube ) turned me onto this baby. Now I can have smoked meat and dishes just about any time I want and with minimal effort. I use this to make stuffed jalapeños wrapped in bacon, burgers, smoked steaks with either bacon butter or my mild whipped horseradish cream sauce, smoked & brined pork chops and many other recipes. Go check out my videos on these dishes.
If you want to check out my friend Joe's You Tube Channel click on the link below. He has amazing skills.
ketone stuff
This is the ketone and glucose meter that I keep going back too. I have tried others and just like this one a lot. I like to experiment on myself and see what changes do either good or bad to my blood sugar and ketone levels and this allows me to do so. Now do you have to have one of these meters if all you want to do is embark on a low carb, LCHF, or Keto diet program? The short answer is no and if your budget does not allow it, don't worry you will be able to succeed without this luxury. (((HUGS)))
I use the magnesium/Calm drink a lot and it is stevia sweetened and no carbs.
I use the Ultima Electrolyte drink mix all of the time. I think all of the flavors are great. I buy the large jar of the powder for use at home and the tubes of mix to go for when I go to restaurants. I will take one of those electrolyte packets and add it to my water in restaurants. The lemon flavored one is really good added to unsweetened iced tea.
I don't use the packets at home because they are more expensive. I save them for going out to eat and traveling.
great cooking ingredients

Sometimes I find that spending extra money will provide me with a product that will take my cooking to the next level and is more than worth it to me. Now when I can buy something that is very economical and still provide me with a great product….win win !!! I have set up the amazon subscribe and save program on several of these Badia herbs, spices, and etc and am so happy I did. I buy all my peppercorns from them as well as other spices and I have yet to be disappointed with either the product or the price.
I use the Lakanto "maple" syrup for many applications including my BBQ pork chops. Yummy!
I use the vanilla stevia drops every day. I use them so much that we have many bottles sent to us every month.
I use the caramel stevia drops in my chocolate caramel keto coffee…oooh check out that video if you need a little break or indulgence in your life.
Lakanto Monkfruit is by far my favorite non insulinogenic sweetener to date. Several of my family members have sensitive stomaches and can not use some of the other types, but this one has no after taste and does not cause even my most sensitive family members any problems.
This Weleda lotion has been a life saver for me. I wash my hands all day long because I cook so much and my skin gets so chapped that my hands look like they belong to the crypt keeper. As long as I remember to use this lotion, I don't have that problem anymore.
This is my favorite green tea. Others I have tried have funny after taste that is obviously unappealing….this one by Numi is great, its organic and if I want an iced green tea this is perfect and if I am feeling like a flavored ( iced ) green tea I add in some of the Ultima Electrolyte powder.
My family and I use these Zevia sodas all of the time. I make a great creamy and
frothy lemonade out of the lemon lime one, an orange creamsicle cocktail out of
the orange flavored one, a purple cow keto drink out of grape and using keto
vanilla ice cream and the root beer flavored one, I have made Keto root beer floats.
In order to save money, when I see them on sale at my grocery store I stock up.
One product I really love is the Zevia soda. I used to be totally addicted to regular soda and this product helped me stop consuming all that sugar. I am not including any amazon link or any other online link because no online retailer can ship such a heavy product to you at this time at any reasonable cost. I can not recommend that you buy it on line, but I will tell you
to try and find it in person in stores near you and will include the link to the company below. I have seen it in some Walmarts, some grocery stores and in many health food stores.